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How to disable beep on phonegap plugin barcodescanner ? (meteor and cordova)

I'm writing an meteor app using the phonegap plugin barcodeScanner everything is working fine except that i don't find a way to disable the "beep" sound that is launch after a barcode scan success. Does anyone find a way on how to do that ?


  • The documentation shows that a disableSuccessBeep parameter can be passed to disable the beep.

      function (result) {
        // Do something with the barcode
      function (error) {
        // Handle error
        disableSuccessBeep: true

    Note that the disableSuccessBeep parameter only disables the beep on iOS. For other platforms that beep, you can upload a silent sound file as @Phonolog pointed out in the comments:

    Take a look in here. It seems to be possible to overwrite the platforms/android/res/raw/beep.ogg with a silent ogg.