I have a problem making a C(m,n)=m!/n!(m-n)!
formula using a function and for
loop in php, my code look like this:
function factorial($m,$n){
for ($i=$m-1; $i >= 1 ; $i--) {
for ($i=$n-1; $i >= 1 ; $i--) {
for ($i=$m-$n; $i >= 1 ; $i--) {
return $facm/$facn*$faco;
echo factorial($bilm,$biln);
but this code show wrong result, is it something wrong with my code? thank you for your attention.
Yes you can do like below if it is stick to 2 parameters. If the parameters are dynamically change, then pass array to the function and do a foreach there.
$bilm = $_POST['bilm'];
$biln = $_POST['biln'];
function factorial($m,$n){
for ($i=$m-1; $i >= 1 ; $i--) {
for ($i=$n-1; $i >= 1 ; $i--) {
$facmsubn = $msubn=$m-$n;
for ($i=$msubn-1; $i >= 1 ; $i--) {
return ($facm/$facn)*$facmsubn; //By assuming (m!/n!)*(m-n)!; If it is m!/(n!*(m-n)!) then change the logic as per your formula
echo factorial($bilm,$blin);
But why you need pass 2 parameters? Calling the function twice would make sense.
Runtime environment is here http://phpfiddle.org/main/code/zkfs-21am