How do you structure a Azure POST REST call to match a value on a comma-separated list string?
For Example:
I want to search for "GWLAS" or "SAMGV" within the Azure field "ProductCategory".
The "ProductCategory" field in the documents will have a comma-separated value string such as "GWLAS, EXDEB, SAMGV, AMLKYC".
Any ideas?
If you use the default analyzer for your ProductCategory
field (assuming it is searchable), it should word-break on commas by default. This means all you should need to do is search for the terms you're interested in and limit it to the right field:
POST /indexes/yourindex/docs/search?api-version=2016-09-01
"search": "GWLAS SAMGV",
"searchFields": [ "ProductCategory" ]
There are other ways to do this, but this is the simplest. If you already scope parts of your search query to other fields, here is how you can scope just the desired terms to ProductCategory:
POST /indexes/yourindex/docs/search?api-version=2016-09-01
"search": "(Name:\"Anderson John\"~3 OR Text:\"Anderson John\"~3) AND ProductCategory:GWLAS SAMGV",
"queryType": "full"
Please consult the Azure Search REST API documentation for details on other options you can set in the Search request. Also, this article will help you understand how Azure Search executes queries. You can find the reference for the full Lucene query syntax here.