I am reading the code my friend wrote for his tower of hanoi solution. But it's hard for me to figure out what his code does since I don't understand his init configuration and ending configuration .
def T(init, final):
if len(init) == 0:
if init[0] == final[0]:
T(init[1:], final[1:])
fro = init[0]
to = final[0]
spare = other(init[0], final[0])
ic = spare * (len(init) - 1)
T(init[1:], ic)
print("move from %s to %s " % (fro, to))
T(ic, final[1:])
def other(char1, char2):
towers = "ABC"
towers = towers.replace(char1, "")
towers = towers.replace(char2, "")
return towers
init = "ABCBA"
final = "BCBAC"
T(init, final)
Here, he has init = "ABCBA" and final = "BCBAC". The code works fine but I don't get why he is doing this.
Any help is appreciated.
init and final configurations are just the order of disks' size from large to small and their respective rod, denoted as a letter (A, B or C in this case).
init = "ABCBA"
is when you have largest disk at 'A', second largest at 'B', third largest at 'C' and so on.
Say, you have
init = "AB"
final = "AA"
the program would output
move from B to A
since you have the smaller disk sitting at B, all you have to do is to move it to A to obtain AA.