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Finding out what boots on startup for Raspberry Pi/Linux

apologies for the long question, but I need to be as specific as possible.

I am creating a project that allows me to control the functionality of a camera with a remote control. This project is run from a Python program, and pipes its output into another program, called chdkptp (which is the program that allows me to control the camera). A little bit ago I was trying to figure out how to get this project started on bootup (so I could plug my Raspberry Pi in, and have everything working without the need of the desktop). I tried a couple different things (such as adding the command I wanted to the rc.local file, etc), but ended up adding an autostart to


and this is what's inside of the file I made:

[Desktop Entry]
Name=Terminal autostart
Comment=Start a terminal and boot piped into
Exec=/usr/bin/lxterm -e 'cd chdkptp-r735 && ./|./'

Basically this opens lxterm and executes the command that I need to start up my python program that pipes its output to chdkptp, and this works.

But my question is this: I believe I may have accidentally started my Python program in a different location while trying to figure out what I needed to do because my python program boots up twice. I know this because I have an LED flash once when the program is up and running, but it flashes twice and I cannot figure out where else I had my program boot up. How do I go about figuring this out?

I may already have an answer, but don't know what it means... I typed this command suggested by someone:

ps -ax | grep ''

and got this response:

875 ?        S      0:00 xterm -class UXTerm -title uxterm -u8 -e cd chdkptp-r735 && ./|./
1026 pts/0    Ss+    0:00 bash -c cd chdkptp-r735 && ./|./
1028 pts/0    S+     0:00 python ./
2169 pts/1    S+     0:00 grep --color=auto

Is this the answer? If so, what exactly does this mean? Does it have anything to do with the shebang at the beginning of my python program? I am a a newbie when it comes to that. If that is not the answer, how to I go about finding where else my program is starting on bootup?

The shebang is this, for reference:

#!/usr/bin/env python


  • [SOLVED]

    I figured it out.

    I have been connecting to my raspberry pi with VNC, and I had an autostart command along with my remote_python autostart to start the VNC server so I could remote in to my pi without needing a monitor. Turns out there is some sort of bug with the VNC Server that starts things up twice. Of course. I am using an x11 VNC server instead and now things are only booting up once :)