I am using Finagle/Finch and I get this error:
diverging implicit expansion for type argonaut.DecodeJson[A] starting
with method MapDecodeJson in trait DecodeJsons
diverging implicit expansion for type argonaut.DecodeJson[V] starting
with method MapDecodeJson in trait DecodeJsons
not enough arguments for method body: (implicit d:
io.finch.Decode.Aux[A,CT], implicit ct:
scala.reflect.ClassTag[A])io.finch.Endpoint[A]. Unspecified value
parameters d, ct.
For this code:
def sendPost(db: CommDb): Endpoint[String] =
post("posts" :: body.as[String]) { s: String =>
I have no idea how to resolve this.
The body
API has changed in Finch 0.11. Just change your body
call to body[CT, Foo]
(where CT
is content-type) and you should get that compiled. One thing: String
body is sort of a special case, so you might want to use stringBody
(no type parameters) instead since body
is biased towards decoding a payload with a given JSON/XML/whatever decoder.
scala> import io.finch._, io.finch.circe._
scala> s(Input.post("/").withBody[Application.Json](Map("foo" -> "bar"))).awaitValueUnsafe()
res2: Option[String] = Some({"foo":"bar"})