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Emitting events to from PHP

Hi I'm trying to emit events from PHP to a socketio server. I've tried both these forks:

PHP code:


require_once( 'socketio/src/Emitter.php' );

$emitter = new SocketIO\Emitter( array( 'port' => '6379', 'host' => '') );

$emitter->broadcast->emit( 'testcall', 'data' );



    "name": "Emitter",
    "devDependencies": {
        "express": "~4.13.4",
        "": "~1.7.3",
        "": "~4.0.0"

Node server:

var app = require( 'express' )( ),
    http = require( 'http' ).Server( app ),
    io = require('')( http ),
    redis = require( '' );

http.listen( 8081, function( ) {
    console.log( '\n==========================' );
    console.log( 'server listening on *:8081' );
    console.log( '==========================\n' );

io.adapter( redis({ host: '', port: 6379 }) );

io.on( 'connection', function( socket ) {
    socket.on( 'testcall', function( ) {
        console.log( 'testcall' );

I have redis-cli monitor open and I can see it publishing data to redis but I never see the log appear. I can emit events from a browser but the PHP ones never appear.

Any ideas what I'm doing wrong?


  • It works I'm just dumb. The event from PHP is being sent, but to the client not the server. Apparently I forgot how it works hah.