I love NANO. It's always there, it can slice and dice, and its NOT VIM!
But I am constantly hitting Command /
- inadvertently - as I go along, out of habit.. Most IDE's use this convention to "comment out" a line.
NANO has great syntax highlighting.. so it knows the context of my documents.. but I haven't been able to figure out a way to get it to perform this basic, yet relatively important function.. Hand-commenting is for the birds.
I suppose this is sorta a super-user question, but in my experience, this would get a bunch of blank stares and then a few people asking who Nano was, so... here it is...
Oh and PS, brownie points for anyone that knows how to get DashCode to be able to do this as well... It would be the finest Javascript IDE EVER if it could perform this trick... and I'm convinced Apple omitted the feature for just that reason, lol.
(2016 June 17)
comment/uncomment lines with default binding
If you do not like the default mapping, note following:
Using Ctrl-/
by rebinding it in ~.nanorc with bind ^/ comment main
is not possible. On a linux console this is equivalent to a backspace (https://savannah.gnu.org/bugs/?53248).
Some possible alternatives could be: