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Create two singleton services that implement the same interface

I have an ASP.NET Core project (my first) that requires two internal "sequencers" for specific tasks. The first was implemented like this:

In Startup.cs ConfigureServices method:

services.AddSingleton<ISequencer, ProfileSequencer>();

And of course I have the interface and implementation defined, and it's working well. However I'm not sure how to add the second sequencer, which implements the same interface but has a slightly different implementation.

services.AddSingleton<ISequencer, ChargeSequencer>();

ASP.NET doesn't complain about this, but now when I inject ISequencer into my classes, I can't imagine how it knows which singleton to use. I suspect (but don't know for sure) that the second singleton effectively replaces the first.

There is probably some bad design decision here, so I'll accept an answer that describes how I can inject two different singletons that implement the same interface, or if necessary another reasonable approach to this problem. Thanks!


  • It is not possible to register two services of same interface - second registration would override first. But I suggest you quick solution of your problem:

    1) Create nested interfaces and use them for registration:

    ISomeSpecificSequencer : ISequencer {}
    IOtherSpecificSequencer : ISequencer {}

    2) Use factory pattern

    interface ISequencerFactory
      ISequencer GetSequencer(ISequencerOptions someOptions)

    So in your code you inject ISequencerFactory and then use some option (it could be string, enum, Type, etc) to determine which class you need