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Conda environment lost

I had a previous installation of Python 2.7 and I still have all the related packages in C:\Program Files\Anaconda. enter image description here

Some days ago I was not able to do conda update conda because there was a problem with the repositories. I solved that issue just installing miniconda. What I did not want is to overwrite my environment:

enter image description here

What should I do? Creating another environment and making it pointing to C:\Program Files\Anaconda? How can I do that?


  • As far as I know, Miniconda and Anaconda are mostly the same thing with different default packages when you create new environments.

    Your old Anaconda environments should still be available in C:\Users\[username]\Anaconda\envs, so try copying them from there to your new Miniconda installation's envs-folder in C:\Users\[username]\Miniconda2\envs and see if they show up when you write conda info --envs.