I am trying to parse an XML text. It is stored in a table t_testxml, in column xml_data which is CLOB type.
The xml looks like:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<defaultmpftest:defaultmpftest xmlns:defaultmpftest="http://test.com"
test_id = "1231"
test_name = "name_test">
</mpftestdata:additionalLinkUrl xmlns:mpftestdata="http://test2.com"/>
How can I extract the values for test_id and test_name ?
I tried:
Select extract(xmltype.createxml(t.xml_data),'//defaultmpftest:defaultmpftest/@test_id').getStringVal() from t_testxml t;
But is not working. I get the following error:
ORA-31011: XML Parsing failed
LPX-00601: Invalid token in defaultmpftest:defaultmpftest/@test_id
Can you please give me some advices on this matter ?
Thank you !
The XML shown in the question is invalid, and would cause an "LPX-00231: invalid character" error if you passed it in to XMLType. So that isn't the string you're actually using. I'm assuming is a typo when posting the question, and you are actually getting the "LPX-00601: Invalid token" error you claimed. So I'll base this on that assumption, and on a string without that typo.
is deprecated; but even so, to use it here (with corrected raw XML) you need to specify the namespace with the optional third argument:
select extract(xmltype.createxml(t.xml_data),
from t_testxml t;
Rather than using the deprecated function, you could use XMLQuery
select xmlquery(
'declare namespace defaultmpftest="http://test.com"; (: :)
passing xmltype.createxml(t.xml_data)
returning content).getStringVal()
from t_testxml t;
You would need two XMLQuery clauses to get both values. I'd usually use XMLTable
instead, shown here with the (fixed) XML-as-string provided via a CTE:
with t_testxml(xml_data) as (select '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<defaultmpftest:defaultmpftest xmlns:defaultmpftest="http://test.com"
<mpftestdata:additionalLinkUrl xmlns:mpftestdata="http://test2.com"/>
</defaultmpftest:defaultmpftest>' from dual
select x.test_id, x.test_name
from t_testxml t
cross join xmltable(
xmlnamespaces('http://test.com' as "defaultmpftest"),
passing xmltype(t.xml_data)
columns test_id number path '@test_id',
test_name varchar2(30) path '@test_name'
) x;
---------- ------------------------------
1231 name_test