I am trying to update customers where their website_id
is equal 6 and their email is not duplicate when website_id
is 3.
I have been able to get all customer where website_id
is 6 and their email is not duplicate where website_id
is 3, the SQL statement bellow does that.
FROM customer_entity
WHERE website_id = 6
FROM customer_entity
WHERE website_id = 3);
Now when I try to update all customers that have website_id and store_id equal to 3 to 6 where their email is not duplicate in store_id = 3
UPDATE customer_entity customers
SET customers.website_id = 3, customers.store_id = 3
WHERE customers.website_id = 6 AND customers.email
NOT IN (SELECT email FROM customer_entity WHERE website_id = 3);
I get the following error
You can't specify target table 'customers' for update in FROM clause
How can I achieve what I am trying to do?
EDIT: I have also tried without the alias and I still get the same error.
Here is the answer for my own question. Many of the answer here use JOINS to one table so for MYSQL, this does not work because you can't update on the same SELECT JOIN.
My solution was to create a temporary table and store all values which had store_id and website_id = 6 and WHERE the email was not duplicate WHERE store_id and website_id = 3.
CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE customer_temp_table(
SELECT email FROM customer_entity
website_id = 6
email NOT IN (SELECT email FROM customer_entity WHERE website_id = 3));
Then I update the the customer entity table using results from the temp table.
UPDATE customer_entity AS customers SET customers.website_id = 3, customers.store_id = 3
WHERE customers.email IN (SELECT email FROM customer_temp_table) AND customers.website_id = 6;