I have a mysql db table which contains a number of bibliographic records. It's formatted a little like this:
field content |field title |barcode
Black Beauty |Title |9781235842
James Joyce |Author |9781452585
There are a few dozen possible field titles.
Each record is effectively spread over a number of rows, the record is the combined rows which share the barcode.
I want to see what items have short records.
I have a working query for a specific barcode:
select barcode, sum(length(field_content))
from central
where barcode = 420908032337
And I have a list of 1.3k suspect barcodes. Is there a way to run the SQL query by looping through this list?
I am on a work machine and have access to HeidiSQL, git bash [including grep etc] but won't be able to install php, ruby etc for scripting.
select barcode,
sum(length(field_content)) AS rec_len
from central
GROUP BY barcode
ORDER BY rec_len -- display the shortest first
LIMIT 50; -- if you want to see just 50