I'm trying to perform multiple searches in a website and having a hard time designing a function to plugin in different values and convert the result into a dataframe
below is a set of commands I came up with, but it only helps for individual searches
fn = 'HARVEY'
ln = 'ADELSON'
mydf = data.frame(fn,ln);
root = 'https://npiregistry.cms.hhs.gov/'
u = paste(root,'registry/search-results-table?','first_name=', mydf$fn, '&last_name=',
mydf$ln, sep = "");
# encode url correctly
zero <- httr::GET(u);
tables <- rvest::html_table(content(zero));
Is there a function in r that would plugin different values for the first and the last name and run the set of commands and lastly store all the results in a single dataframe.
Generically, you can use Map
or mapply
to apply your functions to corresponding elements of the columns of a data.frame. The result is returned as a list of data.frames. You can then row bind them (using either plyr::rbind.fill
or data.table::rbindlist
) to create a single data.frame
fn <- c('HARVEY', "Dollar")
ln <- c('ADELSON', "Vora")
mydf <- data.frame(FirstName=fn, LastName=ln);
root <- 'https://npiregistry.cms.hhs.gov/'
#you can use data.table::rbindlist or plyr::rbind.fill to row bind a list of data.frames
as.data.frame(data.table::rbindlist(Map(function(fn, ln) {
u <- paste0(root,'registry/search-results-table?',
'first_name=', fn, '&last_name=', ln)
zero <- GET(u)
tables <- html_table(content(zero))
}, mydf$FirstName, mydf$LastName), fill=TRUE))