I am currently working on a chatbot for Facebook Messenger. I am working with the Microsoft bot framework and the code is written in node.js.
I am interacting with a database through an api. With every request I have to pass an access token inside the request header. I have read on the internet that you would usually store such a token inside a cookie or web storage. However I also found out that you can't do that on Facebook Messenger. I was thinking about storing the access token inside a variable, but my concern is that this might not be secure. Is there any other secure way to store the access token?
I am fairly new to node.js and it is my first time working with tokens. Help is much appreciated.
You can use session.userData to hold your database token. If you are concerned about it being secure, then encrypted it before saving.
session.userData.dbtoken = encryptToken(token);
The token can later be retrieved and used when you need it:
var token = decryptToken(session.userData.dbtoken);
var databaseData = getUserDataFromDatabase(token);
Or, use a local database like NeDB: https://github.com/louischatriot/nedb This would be the most secure option, since the database would reside on your server.