I'm really new to parsing in Haskell, but it's mostly making sense.
I'm working on building a Templating program mostly to learn parsing better; templates can interpolate values in via {{ value }}
Here's my current parser,
data Template a = Template [Either String a]
data Directive = Directive String
templateFromFile :: FilePath -> IO (Either ParseError (Template Directive))
templateFromFile = parseFromFile templateParser
templateParser :: Parser (Template Directive)
templateParser = do
tmp <- template
return tmp
template :: Parser (Template Directive)
template = Template <$> many (dir <|> txt)
dir = Right <$> directive
txt = Left <$> many1 (anyChar <* notFollowedBy directive)
directive :: Parser Directive
directive = do
_ <- string "{{"
txt <- manyTill anyChar (string "}}")
return $ Directive txt
Then I run it on a file something like this:
{{ value }}
This is normal Text
{{ expression }}
When I run this using templateFromFile "./template.txt"
I get the error:
Left "./template.txt" (line 5, column 17):
unexpected Directive " expression "
Why is this happening and how can I fix it?
My basic understanding is that many1 (anyChar <* notFollowedBy directive)
should grab all of the characters up until the start of the next directive, then should fail and return the list of characters up till that point; then
it should fall back to the previous many
and should try parsing dir
again and should succeed; clearly something else is happening though. I'm
having trouble figuring out how to parse things between other things when
the parsers mostly overlap.
I'd love some tips on how to structure this all more idiomatically, please let me know if I'm doing something in a silly way. Cheers! Thanks for your time!
You have a couple of problems. First, in Parsec, if a parser consumes any input and then fails, that's an error. So, when the parser:
anyChar <* notFollowedBy directive
fails (because the character is followed by a directive), it fails after anyChar
has consumed input, and that generates an error immediately. Therefore, the parser:
let p1 = many1 (anyChar <* notFollowedBy directive)
will never succeed if it runs into a directive. For example:
parse p1 "" "okay" -- works
parse p1 "" "oops {{}}" -- will fail after consuming "oops "
You can fix this by inserting a try
let p2 = many1 (try (anyChar <* notFollowedBy directive))
parse p2 "" "okay {{}}"
which yields Right "okay"
and reveals the second problem. Parser p2
only consumes characters that aren't followed by a directive, so that excludes the space immediately before the directive, and you have no means in your parser to consume a character that is followed by a directive, so it gets stuck.
You actually want something like:
let p3 = many1 (notFollowedBy directive *> anyChar)
which first checks that, at the current position, we aren't looking at a directive before grabbing a character. No try
clause is needed because if this fails, it fails without consuming input. (notFollowedBy
never consumes input, as per the documentation.)
parse p3 "" "okay" -- returns Right "okay"
parse p3 "" "okay {{}}" -- return Right "okay "
parse p3 "" "{{fails}}" -- correctly fails w/o consuming input
So, taking your original example with:
txt = Left <$> many1 (notFollowedBy directive *> anyChar)
should work fine.