This is how my sample dataset looks like:
My goal is to understand how many impressions are associated with one word, two words, three words, four words, five words, and six words. I used to run the N-gram algorithm, but it only returns count. This is my current n-gram code.
def find_ngrams(text, n):
word_vectorizer = CountVectorizer(ngram_range=(n,n), analyzer='word')
sparse_matrix = word_vectorizer.fit_transform(text)
frequencies = sum(sparse_matrix).toarray()[0]
ngram =
ngram = ngram.sort_values(by=['frequency'], ascending=[False])
return ngram
one = find_ngrams(df['query'],1)
bi = find_ngrams(df['query'],2)
tri = find_ngrams(df['query'],3)
quad = find_ngrams(df['query'],4)
pent = find_ngrams(df['query'],5)
hexx = find_ngrams(df['query'],6)
I figure what I need to do is: 1. split the queries into one word to six words. 2. attach impression to the split words. 3. regroup all the split words and sum the impressions.
Take the second query "dog common diseases and how to treat them" as an example". It should be split as:
(1) 1-gram: dog, common, diseases, and, how, to, treat, them;
(2) 2-gram: dog common, common diseases, diseases and, and how, how to, to treat, treat them;
(3) 3-gram: dog common diseases, common diseases and, diseases and how, and how to, how to treat, to treat them;
(4) 4-gram: dog common diseases and, common diseases and how, diseases and how to, and how to treat, how to treat them;
(5) 5-gram: dog common diseases and how, the queries into one word, diseases and how to treat, and how to treat them;
(6) 6-gram: dog common diseases and how to, common diseases and how to treat, diseases and how to treat them;
Here is a method! Not the most efficient, but, let's not optimize prematurely. The idea is to use apply
to get a new pd.DataFrame
with new columns for all ngrams, join this with the old dataframe, and do some stacking and grouping.
import pandas as pd
df = pd.DataFrame({
"squery": ["how to feed a dog", "dog habits", "to cat or not to cat", "dog owners"],
"count": [1000, 200, 100, 150]
def n_grams(txt):
grams = list()
words = txt.split(' ')
for i in range(len(words)):
for k in range(1, len(words) - i + 1):
grams.append(" ".join(words[i:i+k]))
return pd.Series(grams)
counts = df.squery.apply(n_grams).join(df)
counts.drop("squery", axis=1).set_index("count").unstack()\
.drop("level_0", axis=1).groupby("ngram")["count"].sum()
This last expression will return a pd.Series
like below.
a 1000
a dog 1000
cat 200
cat or 100
cat or not 100
cat or not to 100
cat or not to cat 100
dog 1350
dog habits 200
dog owners 150
feed 1000
feed a 1000
feed a dog 1000
habits 200
how 1000
how to 1000
how to feed 1000
how to feed a 1000
how to feed a dog 1000
not 100
not to 100
not to cat 100
or 100
or not 100
or not to 100
or not to cat 100
owners 150
to 1200
to cat 200
to cat or 100
to cat or not 100
to cat or not to 100
to cat or not to cat 100
to feed 1000
to feed a 1000
to feed a dog 1000
Spiffy method
This one is a bit more efficient probably, but it still does materialize the dense n-gram vector from CountVectorizer
. It multiplies that one on each column with the number of impressions, and then adds over the columns to get a total number of impressions per ngram. It gives the same result as above. One thing to note is that a query that has a repeated ngram also counts double.
import numpy as np
from sklearn.feature_extraction.text import CountVectorizer
cv = CountVectorizer(ngram_range=(1, 5))
ngrams = cv.fit_transform(df.squery)
mask = np.repeat(df['count'].values.reshape(-1, 1), repeats = len(cv.vocabulary_), axis = 1)
index = list(map(lambda x: x[0], sorted(cv.vocabulary_.items(), key = lambda x: x[1])))
pd.Series(np.multiply(mask, ngrams.toarray()).sum(axis = 0), name = "counts", index = index)