I keep getting an error when attempting to query a collection on a mongodb that I have (appeared to) successfully connect to in my app.js
var mongo = require('mongodb');
var monk = require('monk');
var db = monk('mongodb://USERNAME:PASSWORD@localhost:27017/test_db');
var app = express();
// Make our db accessible to our router
req.db = db;
It connects and then in my router file:
/* users.js*/
router.post('/login', function(req, res, next) {
var params = req.body;
var userid = params.userid;
var pw = params.password
var db = req.db;
var userdb = db.get('users');
userdb.findOne({'userid' : userid}, function(e,user) {
if (e) {
console.log("error reading user doc ->");
} else {
I get the following error after querying the collection:
{ [MongoError: auth failed] name: 'MongoError', ok: 0, errmsg: 'auth failed', code: 18 }
Check out the MongoDB docs for options:
You'll notice that username and password are not valid options. If you are connecting to test_db and your root user is in another database (lets say admin) you should use authSource: admin. You connection string would look like this:
var db = monk('user:pass@localhost:27017/test_db',{authSource:'admin'});
This was confusing me when I was trying to connect to to my database but my auth user was in another.
Hope it helps someone!