I am newbie to Lucene. Just started. I have a few basic questions:
How to view all the indexes that are created using Stratio Lucene ?
How to delete indexes created using Stratio Lucene ?
What is the difference between
fields: {
fld_1: {type: "string"},
fld_2: {type: "text"}
type: "string" and type: "text"
The reason I ask for the difference is because I ran in to an error when trying to create my very first lucene index. My column in Cassandra is something like this: 'fld_1 text', but when I tried to create and index on fld_1 like above it threw an exception
ConfigurationException: 'schema' is invalid : Unparseable JSON schema: Unexpected character ('}' (code 125)): was expecting either valid name character (for unquoted name) or double-quote (for quoted) to start field name
at [Source: {
fields: {
The Lucene index script:
CREATE CUSTOM INDEX lucene_index ON testTable ()
USING 'com.stratio.cassandra.lucene.Index'
'refresh_seconds': '1',
'schema': '{
fields: {
fld_1: {type: "string"},
fld_2: {type: "string"},
id: {type: "integer"},
test_timestamp: {type: "date", pattern: "yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss"}
First : You can't view only the Stratio Lucene Index, below query will show you all the index
SELECT * FROM system."IndexInfo";
Second : You can delete index with DROP INDEX index_name
command. i.e
Third : In Stratio Lucene Index, string is a not-analyzed text value and text is a language-aware text value analyzed according to the specified analyzer.
Which means that if you specify a field as string it will directly index and queried. But if you use text then it will first analyzed by your specified analyzer, default is default_analyzer
) then index and queried.
Edited :
You have to first create a text field in cassandra then specified it when creating index.
Example :
ALTER TABLE testtable ADD lucene text;
CREATE CUSTOM INDEX lucene_index ON testTable (lucene) USING 'com.stratio.cassandra.lucene.Index'
'refresh_seconds': '1',
'schema': '{
fields: {
fld_1: {type: "string"},
fld_2: {type: "string"},
id: {type: "integer"},
test_timestamp: {type: "date", pattern: "yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss"}