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Varnish probes and logs

I have a LNMP stack with Varnish in front. I have a probe with Varnish and it checks every seconds if the site is running.

It works good but I don't want to log those probes.

Does someone know please how to disable only that log?



  • In your nginx.conf put the following inside http { ... } block:

    map "$request_method:$request_uri:$remote_addr" $loggable {
        "HEAD:/:" 0;
        default 1;    

    Find your access_log directive and add the if condition to it like so:

    access_log /path/to/access.log combined if=$loggable;

    What this does, is logs requests conditionally: a HEAD request to / made by localhost, will not be logged. Everything else is logged as usual.

    Naturally, you will have to adjust "HEAD:/:" if your probe uses different request method, resource or if Varnish is not on the same machine, e.g. "GET:/healthcheck:" will not log GET requests to /healthcheck by