I have a df like this:
> df<-data.frame(Client.code =
c(100451,100451,100523,100523,100523,100525),dayref = c(24,30,15,13,17,5))
> df
Client.code dayref
1 100451 24
2 100451 30
3 100523 15
4 100523 13
5 100523 17
6 100525 5
It is a one-year distribution of payments period from issue.
Usign this data above and given a df2 like this:
Client.Code Days
1 100451 16
1 100523 16
1 100460 35
As i have enough data for a reasonable quantile prob. calculations.I will like to know how to build a loop for assing to every row in this df2 of days a quantile according with the first df.
We can use data.table
setDT(df)[, .(Quantile = quantile(dayref)), Client.code]
Or with tidyverse
df %>%
group_by(Client.code) %>%
summarise(Quantile = list(quantile(dayref))) %>%