Search code examples

Tabgroup iOS tab won't open new view, gives Obj-C error

Currently working on getting the code for my app to run on the iOS side after hitting a milestone on Android. I have a tabgroup in my index.xml:

  <TabGroup id="tabMenu" title="USHUD | Home" tabsBackgroundColor="" tabsBackgroundSelectedColor="">
    // ------------------------------------   SEARCH TAB  --------------------------------------------------
    <Require src="search_tab/search"/>
    // ------------------------------------ FAVORITES TAB --------------------------------------------------
    <Require src="favorites"/>
    // ------------------------------------   ABOUT TAB  ---------------------------------------------------
    <Require src="about"/>

and it's controller index.js:

 * The scoped constructor of the controller.
(function constructor() {
  //Alloy.CFG.tabGroup = index.getView('tabMenu');
  globalTabGroup = $.tabMenu;

I'm trying to add a view to the search tab's navigation stack when the button gets clicked in search_tab/search.xml:

<Tab id='searchTab' class="homeTab" title="Search" icon='/images/search-1.png'>
    <Window id="searchWin" title="Property Search">
        <View class="vgroup" id="wrapper">
            <ImageView height="Titanium.UI.SIZE" left="20" id="hud_logo" image="/images/US.png"/>
            <Button class="button-default bottom" id="buttonSearch" onClick="startSearch" title="Begin Search" zIndex="1"/>


// Arguments passed into this controller can be accessed via the $.args object directly or:
var args = $.args;

function startSearch(e){
  }else if(OS_IOS){
      //Ti.API.debug('Current Window: '+Ti.UI.currentWindow);
      //Ti.API.debug('Current Tab: '+Ti.UI.currentTab);


I have tried a few different approaches trying to get a reference to the active tab so that I can call that tab's open() function and add the next view in the search tab navigation stack. However, no matter how I try it I get this cryptic, vague error.

[ERROR] :  Script Error {
[ERROR] :      column = 332;
[ERROR] :      line = 1;
[ERROR] :      message = "-[__NSCFString setIsManaged:]: unrecognized selector sent to instance 0x15e61000";
[ERROR] :      sourceURL = "file:///private/var/mobile/Containers/Bundle/Application/7D2E0E41-E28B-40F8-90D1-485279A0B8F6/";
[ERROR] :      stack = "[native code]\ne@file:///private/var/mobile/Containers/Bundle/Application/7D2E0E41-E28B-40F8-90D1-485279A0B8F6/";
[ERROR] :  }

Through research I found that the NSCFString is a wrapper for NSString and that isSetManaged is a variable of boolean type(?) that is getting a string somewhere(?). I don't know a lick of Obj-C so this is all inference on my end as to what the error actually means.


  • In iOS, you are passing a string to method, not a window controller. But in android you are creating a controller and then you are calling open method of controller which works correctly.

    So this code will definitely work for you:


     * The scoped constructor of the controller.
    (function constructor() {
      Alloy.Globals.globalTabGroup = $.tabMenu;


    // Arguments passed into this controller can be accessed via the $.args object directly or:
    var args = $.args;
    function startSearch(e){
      var statesWin = Alloy.createController("search_tab/states").getView();
      OS_IOS ? :;