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theintern calling /__intern/client.htm in URL

I want to run intern tests locally with selenium-standalone both of which i installed through npm.

when i go to run the tests -> "./node_modules/.bin/intern-runner" config=./pmictests/test/bit/GAT/internEx/intern

the browser starts but the url goes to http://localhost:8585/__intern/client.html?config=.%2Fpmictests%2Ftest%2Fbit%2FGAT%2FinternEx%2Fintern&basePath

As in the _intern/client.html? is not what i want why is this happening? i'm trying to get my head around it but been stuck on this problem for a while.

my config file looks like this: define({

proxyPort: 9515,
proxyUrl: 'http://localhost:8585/',

tunnel: 'NullTunnel',
useSauceConnect: false,

capabilities: {
    'fixSessionCapabilities' : false,
    'selenium-version': '2.35.0',
    'idle-timeout': 36

environments: [
    { browserName: 'chrome' }

maxConcurrency: 3,

useSauceConnect: false,

webdriver: {
    host: 'localhost',
    port: 4444

suites: [ './tests/test/' ],

excludeInstrumentation: /^(?:tests|node_modules)\//



  • That URL is for running unit tests. When you run intern-runner, it automatically loads client.html to run any unit test suites listed in suites. Once the unit tests are finished, Intern runs any functional tests listed in functionalSuites (which will load their own URLs).