I just got awesome_nested_set put in place and all is working well. I converted over from acts_as_tree using Category.rebuild!
listed on the github link.
Problem is, I do not have the option to create a node on the top level with no parent (e.g. - There is no blank <option>
in the form select). This is the select_tag I am using:
<%= select_tag 'parent_id', options_for_select(nested_set_options(Page) {|i| "#{'..' * i.level} #{i.name}" } ) %>
I'm a RoR newb so I'm unsure of how to make it so I can create a page on the top level. Can someone point me in the right direction?
In order to create a record at the root level, simply leave parent_id
nil. You will need to add an option for that:
<%= select_tag 'parent_id', options_for_select(
nested_set_options(Page) {|i| "#{'..' * i.level} #{i.name}" }.unshift(["No Parent", nil])
) %>
It's probably time to move this into a helper.