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How to export functions starting not whith a letter using roxygen?

I have a follow up question on this question. Suppose I want an own + function for my class expo. On my normal R session the following works perfectly

'+.expo' <- function(a, b) a ^ b
r <- 2; class(r) <- "expo"
s <- 3; class(s) <- "expo"
r + s # gives 8

But running devtools::document() gives me the Skipping invalid path: .expo.Rd message. If I understand this question correctly, '+.expo' is an invalid name for a function as each function has to start with a (small or capital) letter. Now I wonder how can ggplot2 provide a function ''? And more importantly: how can my package provide a class-specific + functions?


  • R allows functions to start with something else then a letter, but roxygen per default does not. But you can use the argument @rdname to give such functions an alternative name used in the documentation. So, your .R-file might look like

    #' @param a first object
    #' @param b second object
    #' @return exponential result
    #' @export
    #' @rdname expo-add
    '+.expo' <- function(a, b) a ^ b

    The .R-File to the mentioned ggplot2 function '' can be found here.