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How to parse .trace(profiling android application) files into sql format

I am new at android development. I wanted to profile the performance of my application. So I have generated a log file(.trace) by adding the following code -

`// start tracing to "/sdcard/calc.trace"
// ...
// stop tracing

Now, I have a calc.trace file. But I want for parse this file into sql format so that I can use advance queries to bring out information from the data. How can I do that?


  • You can parse the (.)trace file with the following ruby code that uses regex to parse the data into (.)sql file. It also provides a query to insert the data into your choice of SQL database.

    But before that use the following command to convert the binary trace log into a txt file

    /pathTotraceview/trceview -r filename.trace > filename.txt

    Then save and run the following code.

    #!/usr/bin/env ruby
    @values ="\n").each do |a|
       if a =~ /(\d+)\s+(\d+)\s+(\d+)\s+(\d+)\s+(\d+)\s+(\d+)\s+(\d+)\s([\w+.$]+)/
                     id = $1
                     tstart = $2
                     tend  = $3
                     gstart = $4
                     gend = $5
                     excl = $6
                     incl = $7
                     meth = $8
                     @values << "(#{id},#{tstart},#{tend},#{gstart},#{gend},#{excl},#{incl},'#{meth}')"
    puts "INSERT INTO table_name(pid,tstart,tend,gstart,gend,excl,incl,meth) values"
    puts "#{@values.join(" , ")};"

    To purse with this file store it in your work directory as toSQL.rb or any other name and use the following command in your terminal to generate sql dump:

    cat traceFileName.txt | ./toSQL.rb > fileName.sql