I would like to create a custom insert or update with pommbundle but in the documentation i have just for a select query.
It's possible to give me a simple example with a possibility to have a last insert id? with ... currval ou lastval?
There are several ways of inserting data in the database using PommBundle.
If you do not use the Model Manager and you want to perform a custom insertion:
// in the controller
->query('INSERT INTO … VALUES ($*::text, $*::int4…)', [$param1, $param2]);
This method is tedious because you have to specify all the fields by hand, it may break if the schema changes but you can specify a complex insertion query using SQL acrobatics.
If the goal is just to save a model, the model manager eases the insertion of data using entities:
use Path\To\Model\MyDb\MySchema\MyEntityModel;
// …
$entity = $this->get('pomm')
->createAndSave(['field1' => $param1, …]);
The returned entity is the image of the inserted data with the database default values (most of the time auto generated primary key).
Here is the documentation about it.