I have a subdomain bonify.archaeolabs.nl it points to my servers ipaddress (DNS) and shows the www.archaeolabs.nl page. I have another root directory for bonify.archaeolabs.nl, I have a bonify.archaeolabs.nl.conf file with the following:
<virtualhost*: 80>
ServerAdmin email_address
ServerName bonify.archaeolabs.nl
ServerAlias bonify.archaeolabs.nl
DocumentRoot /path/to/bonify.archaeolabs.nl
<Directory "/path/to/bonify.archaeolabs.nl/">
Option FollowSymLinks
AllowOverride All
Order allow,deny
Allow from all
Am I close or barking up the wrong tree?
I needed to add the ipaddress and subdomain to the /etc/hosts file, now it works like a charm!