I am trying to reduce the dimensionality of a very large matrix using PCA in Sklearn, but it produces a memory error (RAM required exceeds 128GB). I have already set copy=False and I'm using the less computationally expensive randomised PCA.
Is there a workaround? If not, what other dim reduction techniques could I use that require less memory. Thank you.
Update: the matrix I am trying to PCA is a set of feature vectors. It comes from passing a set of training images through a pretrained CNN. The matrix is [300000, 51200]. PCA components tried: 100 to 500.
I want to reduce its dimensionality so I can use these features to train an ML algo, such as XGBoost. Thank you.
In the end, I used TruncatedSVD instead of PCA, which is capable of handling large matrices without memory issues:
from sklearn import decomposition
n_comp = 250
svd = decomposition.TruncatedSVD(n_components=n_comp, algorithm='arpack')
train_features = svd.transform(train_features)
test_features = svd.transform(test_features)