How can I access geomesas UDF in spark scala dataframe (not textual) api? I.e. how to convert
How can I make sql UDFs available in the textual spark-sql API available in the scala data frame DSL? I.e. how to enable instead of this expression
spark.sql("select st_asText(st_bufferPoint(geom,10)) from chicago where case_number = 1")
something similar to'geom, 10))).filter('case_number === 1)
How to register geomesas UDF in a way that these are not only available to the sql text mode. SQLTypes.init(spark.sqlContext)
from only seems to register textual expressions.
I am already importing
import org.apache.spark.sql.functions._
so these functions
should be available.
Take a look at the callUDF
function from org.apache.spark.sql.functions
val spark = SparkSession.builder()
import spark.implicits._
val df = spark.createDataset(List("abcde", "bcdef", "cdefg")).toDF("str")
spark.sql("select length(substring(str, 2, 3)) from view").show()"length", callUDF("substring", $"str", lit(2), lit(3)))).show()
Tested with Spark 2.1