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trigger in apache Ignite

Any one can tell me is there any Time based Trigger Policy available in Apache Ignite?

I Have an Object Having Expiry Date When That Date(Time-stamp) Expire I want to update This value and override it in Cache is it possible in Apache Ignite

Thanks in advance


  • You can configure a time-based expiration policy in Apache Ignite with eager TTL: Expiry Policies. This way objects will be eagerly expired from cache after a certain time.

    Then you can subscribe a javax.cache.event.CacheEntryExpiredListener, which will be triggered after every expiration, and update the cache from that listener. However, it looks like there will be a small window when the entry will have been already expired from a cache and before you put and updated value into cache.

    If the above window is not acceptable to you, then you can simply query all entries from a cache periodically and update all the entries that are older than a certain expiration time. In this case you would have to ensure that all entries have a timestamp filed, which will be indexed and used in SQL queries. Something like this:

    SELECT * from SOME_TYPE where timestamp > 2;

    More on SQL queries here: Distributed Queries, Local Queries.