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What Autofac LifetimeScope is assumed when registering a delegate?

I haven't been able to determine this from the documentation.

Given a registration:


What LifetimeScope will be assumed by the following registration?

builder.Register(ctx =>
    var component = ctx.Resolve<IComponent>();
    return new SomeService(component);

Note: This is just an example. Obviously in this case you'd just resolve ISomeService and allow Autofac to instantiate an instance of SomeService with the IComponent dependency. I have a more complex registration need for which this approach is necessary, but whose details aren't really pertinent to the question.

Given IComponent is registered as InstancePerLifetimeScope (which I understand to mean that it inherits the scope used to resolve this directly or the scope used to resolve a component for which this is a dependency), and that the delegate registered for ISomeService will be the default lifetime scope of InstancePerDependency, I would expect that the resolve of IComponent within the delegate would be with lifetime scope InstancePerDependency.

Is this correct?


  • When you resolve ISomeService, this will be done per dependency as expected, which means that you will get a new instance of SomeService on every resolve (by calling the delegate).

    However, the call to get component eg:

    var component = ctx.Resolve<IComponent>();

    Will return one instance of component shared per lifetime scope (so if you do not create any child/nested lifetime scope(s), it will be more or less a singleton).

    Here is a small example to demonstrate it.

    First here is a simple implementation for IComponent:

    public interface IComponent
        int GetId();
    public class ExampleComponent : IComponent
        private static int id = 0;
        private int instanceId;
        public ExampleComponent()
            this.instanceId = id;
        public int GetId()
            return this.instanceId;

    Then for ISomeService :

    public interface ISomeService
        int GetServiceID();
        int GetComponentId();
    public class SomeService : ISomeService
        private static int id = 0;
        private int instanceId;
        private readonly IComponent component;
        public SomeService(IComponent component)
            if (component == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("component");
            this.component = component;
            this.instanceId = id;
        public int GetComponentId()
            return this.component.GetId();
        public int GetServiceID()
            return this.instanceId;

    I kept registration as you wrote:

        ContainerBuilder builder = new ContainerBuilder();
             builder.Register(ctx =>
                 var component = ctx.Resolve<IComponent>();
                 return new SomeService(component);
             IContainer rootContainer = builder.Build();

    And now let's do some resolve :

    ISomeService service1 = rootContainer.Resolve<ISomeService>();
             ISomeService service2 = rootContainer.Resolve<ISomeService>();
             Console.WriteLine(string.Format("Service 1: {0} , Component : {1} ", service1.GetServiceID(), service1.GetComponentId()));
             Console.WriteLine(string.Format("Service 2: {0} , Component : {1} ", service2.GetServiceID(), service2.GetComponentId()));

    You will get:

    Service 1: 0 , Component : 0 Service 2: 1 , Component : 0

    Since Component is shared by the main lifetime scope.

    Now of course, if you create child scopes:

    IContainer rootContainer = builder.Build();
            ILifetimeScope scope1 = rootContainer.BeginLifetimeScope();
            ILifetimeScope scope2 = rootContainer.BeginLifetimeScope();
            ISomeService service1 = scope1.Resolve<ISomeService>();
            ISomeService service2 = scope2.Resolve<ISomeService>();
            Console.WriteLine(string.Format("Service 1: {0} , Component : {1} ", service1.GetServiceID(), service1.GetComponentId()));
            Console.WriteLine(string.Format("Service 2: {0} , Component : {1} ", service2.GetServiceID(), service2.GetComponentId()));

    Service 1: 0 , Component : 0 Service 2: 1 , Component : 1

    In that case, you have 2 different scopes, so each resolve to component will provide a different one.