In Newman I want to test to ensure that the response code is correct, response time is reasonable and response values are correct.
In some cases, due to network hiccups or other system conditions, some requests might end up with timeouts or incorrect values that will resolve if the same request was processed a few seconds later.
in such cases, I would like to retry the exact request x times with a Y timeout between requests.
If an iteration pass after a retry, I would like the Newman exit code to be 0 (successful run).
After few hours I had ended up with a function like this:
function retryOnFailure(successCode, numberOfRetrys) {
var key = + '_counter';
var execCounter = postman.getEnvironmentVariable(key) || 1;
var sleepDuration = 1000;
var waitUntilTime = new Date().getTime() + sleepDuration;
if (responseCode.code !== successCode && execCounter <= numberOfRetrys) {
while (new Date().getTime() < waitUntilTime) {
// Do Nothing -> Wait
console.log('Retrying: ' + + '\nGot: ' + responseCode.code + ' Expected: ' + successCode + '\nWaited: ' + sleepDuration / 1000 + 'sec \nRetry Number: ' + execCounter + ' of ' + numberOfRetrys);
postman.setEnvironmentVariable(key, execCounter);
retryOnFailure(200, 4);