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Insert into nested table plsql

I'm a newbie with pl sql and I'm facing some problems with inserting into nested tables (I'm using these just to test a procedure). So my code is:

insert into t_prenotazioni
      (nro_cliente, data_disponibilita)
      (righe.nro_cliente, v_data_disponibilita);

where t_prenotazioni is a table of a type defined by me, righe.nro_cliente is a value that I get from a cursor and v_data_disponibilita is a variable. The error that I get is:

PLS-00330 invalid use of type name or subtype


  • You are probably trying to do something like:

        type type_prenotazioni is record(nro_cliente number, data_disponibilita date);
        type prenotazioni is table of type_prenotazioni;
        vPrenotazioni prenotazioni;
        vPrenotazioni := new prenotazioni();
        vPrenotazioni(1).nro_cliente := 10;
        vPrenotazioni(1).data_disponibilita := sysdate;
        for i in vPrenotazioni.first .. vPrenotazioni.last loop
            dbms_output.put_line(vPrenotazioni(i).nro_cliente || ' - ' ||
                                    to_char(vPrenotazioni(i).data_disponibilita, 'dd/mm/yyyy')
        end loop;

    I would stronlgy recommend having a look at the Oracle documentation to improve your knowledge; this is only a simple, small example, but there are many many different things you may want to do.