Here is a toy example:
I have a method last[T](ts: Seq[T]): Try[T]
which returns either:
, orNoSuchElementException
wrapped in a Failure
.I have been reading the scalatest doc pertaining to TryValues and came up with the following scalatest:
"The solution" should "Find the last element of a non-empty list" in {
last(Seq(1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8)).success.value should equal (8)
// ...
it should "Fail with NoSuchElementException on an empty list" in {
// Option 1: what I would like to do but is not working
last(Nil).failure.exception should be a[NoSuchElementException]
// Option 2: is working but actually throws the Exception, and does not test explicitly test if was in a Failure
a [NoSuchElementException] should be thrownBy {last(Nil).get}
Is there a way to make my option 1 work?
You should use shouldBe
word to assert type, like:
test.failure.exception shouldBe a [NoSuchElementException]
for type not equal, like:
test.failure.exception should not be an [NoSuchElementException]
See more: