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Mocking a dynamic class method argument using scalatest/mockiton

this is how im mocking my service call and returning a fake result:

when(myService.doSomething("",fakeRequestAsModel)) thenReturn fakeResult

val result = call(controller.myActionMethod(), request)

the problem is in the controller method myActionMethod when I call doSomething and passing the arguments im calling some property that that will only return something in production...

def myActionMethod() ... = {


so, getSomeValue is a method i can call only in production, it comes with a 3rd party library and I cant override it.

How can I still mock this call so request.getSomeValue wont throw me an exception?

and request.getSomeValue is dynamic, I cant unfortunately put it in configuration...


  • // we rename this because Scala defines `eq` on `AnyRef`
    import org.mockito.Matchers.{eq => eqMockito, _} 
    when(myService.doSomething(anyString(), eqMockito(fakeRequestAsModel))) 
      thenReturn fakeResult

    Here we want Mockito to return this answer when any string is sent and exact fakeRequestAsModel, which is what you want.


    1. Be careful not to mix any matchers with normal values, you cant say: when(myService.doSomething(anyString(), fakeRequestAsModel)).
      You need to wrap normal value with eqMockito() method.
    2. You can use any[classOf[T]] for type-parametrized arguments.
    3. Be extra careful with implicits.

    Hope it helps!