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AMP Form submission redirect or response

Good morning, I have a form on a test AMP page (is AMP validate) and the form works: I receive the email with result (I use a php to handle it). I don't know (I did some try but I think I still missing an example) the syntax for let the AMP page responce correctly (now I get "Subscription failed!" but I do get the email) or redirect after submission. Here my example:

AMP page with form (I receive form result after submission but I don't know how to redirect or get "Subscription successful!" message)

Non AMP page with form (I receive form result and it redirect correctly)

action-xhr file destination code: Code of the php here in txt format (the file that handle the form result)

Any example will be great for me also only about redirect. Thank you


  • You can redirect user after successful submission, however it can only be done if you are submitting values to a secure URL (like

    HTML With AMP-Form

    <!doctype html>
    <html amp lang="en">
        <meta charset="utf-8">
        <script async src=""></script>
        <title>Hello, AMPs</title>
        <link rel="canonical" href="" />
        <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width,minimum-scale=1,initial-scale=1">
        <script type="application/ld+json">
            "@context": "",
            "@type": "NewsArticle",
            "headline": "Open-source framework for publishing content",
            "datePublished": "2015-10-07T12:02:41Z",
            "image": [
        <style amp-boilerplate>body{-webkit-animation:-amp-start 8s steps(1,end) 0s 1 normal both;-moz-animation:-amp-start 8s steps(1,end) 0s 1 normal both;-ms-animation:-amp-start 8s steps(1,end) 0s 1 normal both;animation:-amp-start 8s steps(1,end) 0s 1 normal both}@-webkit-keyframes -amp-start{from{visibility:hidden}to{visibility:visible}}@-moz-keyframes -amp-start{from{visibility:hidden}to{visibility:visible}}@-ms-keyframes -amp-start{from{visibility:hidden}to{visibility:visible}}@-o-keyframes -amp-start{from{visibility:hidden}to{visibility:visible}}@keyframes -amp-start{from{visibility:hidden}to{visibility:visible}}</style><noscript><style amp-boilerplate>body{-webkit-animation:none;-moz-animation:none;-ms-animation:none;animation:none}</style></noscript>
        <script async custom-element="amp-form" src=""></script>
        <h1>Hello World!</h1>
          <form target="_top" action-xhr="https://test.php" method="post" name="test">
            <input type="text" name="name" value="ABRA KA DABRA!">
            <input type="submit"/>


        $name = $_POST['name'];
        /*/ this is the email we get from visitors*/
        $domain_url = (isset($_SERVER['HTTPS']) ? "https" : "http") . "://$_SERVER[HTTP_HOST]";
        $redirect_url = '';
        /*//-->MUST BE 'https://';*/
        header("Content-type: application/json");
        header("Access-Control-Allow-Credentials: true");
        header("Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *");
        header("AMP-Access-Control-Allow-Source-Origin: ".$domain_url);
        /*/ For Sending Error Use this code /*/
        if(!mail("" , "Test submission" , "email: $name <br/> name: $name" , "From: $name\n ")){
            header("HTTP/1.0 412 Precondition Failed", true, 412);
            echo json_encode(array('errmsg'=>'There is some error while sending email!'));
            /*/--Assuming all validations are good here--*/
            if( empty($redirect_url))
                header("Access-Control-Expose-Headers: AMP-Access-Control-Allow-Source-Origin");
                header("AMP-Redirect-To: ".$redirect_url);
                header("Access-Control-Expose-Headers: AMP-Redirect-To, AMP-Access-Control-Allow-Source-Origin");        }
                echo json_encode(array('successmsg'=>$_POST['name'].'My success message. [It will be displayed shortly(!) if with redirect]'));