Hello I am a newbie with the tensorflow and currently, I am working with colour Images and it's PCAS.
I have extracted PCAS in a form of "Red","Green" and "Blue" and also computed the weights which are associated with "Red","Green" and "Blue" components.
After doing the all the above stuff I want to combine all three 2D matrices into the single 3D matrix.
For a tensorflow it would be a 3D tensor.
def multi(h0,ppca,mu,i,scope=None):
with tf.variable_scope(scope or"multi"):
return tf.matmul(ppca[:,:,0],h0[i,:,:,0]) + tf.reshape(mu[:,0],[4096,1]) , tf.matmul(ppca[:,:,1],h0[i,:,:,1]) + tf.reshape(mu[:,1],[4096,1]) ,tf.matmul(ppca[:,:,2],h0[i,:,:,2]) + tf.reshape(mu[:,2],[4096,1])
So from the above function, I will get all three different 2D tensors and want to combine those 2D tensors to single 3D tensor which has dimensions [4096,1,3]
How can I do that? any help is highly appreciated.
You need to concat them like this:
three_d_image = tf.concat(0, [[r], [g], [b]])
This tells tensorflow to concat them along the x
dimension and treat each tensor as a matrix.
Doing the same without the additional brackets around the r,g,b tensors will try to concat them to one large 2D matrix