I have an issue with auth:api middleware! We have a request that is accessible for both authenticated users and non-authenticated users when I define a route like this for non-authenticated users:
Route::post('{user}/leads', 'UsersController@getContact');
It's ok everything work fine when a guest user requesting this route.
is and I can access user with $request->user();
but if pass token with bearer header and get the user with $request->user()
of course it doesn't work! because we didn't use auth:api
on this route, and if we do we can't access this route with guest users!
So I can't find a way that we define one route for both authenticated users that if user is authenticated we get $request->user()
and none authenticated users can access that route too!
Thanks in advance.
I found a way to do that I just wrote this:
$middleware = ['api'];
if (\Request::header('Authorization'))
$middleware = array_merge(['auth:api']);
Route::group(['prefix' => 'v1', 'namespace' => 'Api', 'middleware' => $middleware], function () {
//routes here
In api.php route file and it works fine. Thanks