I'm trying to make it so I can get a value from one model into the creation of another model. This is very simplified but gives the error I'm having with a model instance extending a squeryl model. In reality I'm doing some calculations specific to this model, but need a value from another model.
I'm getting an error doing all sorts of versions of this:
class Bar(
val bazId: String
val someValue: String
) extends db.BaseModel {
val foo: Foo = db.MyDb.foos.lookup(bazId).head
def this(
bazId: Baz
) = {
this (
The error is:
not found: value foo
[error] foo.someValue,
I've tried having some kind of lookup in the Object/singleton, inside of the def this() (that gives a "Application does not take parameters" error), and other things but nothing is working. Seems so simple, but having no luck at all.
The issue is you are trying to access a member of the class in the constructor, and since this is before the object has been constructed - it is not accessible. Doing it in the companion should help you get around that. Something like:
object Bar {
val foo(bazId:String): Foo = db.MyDb.foos.lookup(bazId).head
class Bar(
val bazId: String,
val someValue: String
) extends db.BaseModel {
val foo: Foo = Bar.foo(bazId)
def this(
bazId: String
) = {
this (
Or, if you did intend to have the constructor accept the class Baz
, then you could also add the lookup method directly in Baz
- then you can just call it directly to look up Foo