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Powermock: NoClassDefFoundError when trying to mock static classes

I'm trying to understand how to use Powermock. I'm trying to realize the example of Static method mocking here.

I created this code based on the example above.

I however get a NoClassDefFoundError when trying to run the test.

I don't know what exactly is causing this error as it is mostly copy pasted code.

// imports redacted

public class YourTestCase {
    public void testMethodThatCallsStaticMethod() throws Exception {
        // mock all the static methods in a class called "Static"
        // use Mockito to set up your expectation
        PowerMockito.when(Static.class, "firstStaticMethod", any()).thenReturn(true);
        PowerMockito.when(Static.class, "secondStaticMethod", any()).thenReturn(321);

        // execute your test
        new ClassCallStaticMethodObj().execute();

        // Different from Mockito, always use PowerMockito.verifyStatic() first
        // to start verifying behavior
        // IMPORTANT:  Call the static method you want to verify

        // IMPORTANT: You need to call verifyStatic() per method verification,
        // so call verifyStatic() again
        PowerMockito.verifyStatic(); // default times is once
        // Again call the static method which is being verified

        // Again, remember to call verifyStatic()
        // And again call the static method.

class Static {
    public static boolean firstStaticMethod(int foo) {
        return true;

    public static int secondStaticMethod() {
        return 123;

    public static void thirdStaticMethod() {

class ClassCallStaticMethodObj {
    public void execute() {
        boolean foo = Static.firstStaticMethod(2);
        int bar = Static.secondStaticMethod();


  • PowerMock 1.6.6 seems to be incompatible with Mockito 2.7

    I've made some changes to your pom.xml. First I changed powermock version:


    Then I changed powermock-api-mockito to powermock-api-mockito2 (the first one didn't work, it seems to be incompatible with Mockito 2.7):


    This solved the NoClassDefFoundError.

    Anyway, I still had to change this to make it work: instead of PowerMockito.when(), you should use Mockito.when():
