So... I'm looking at an example in a book that goes something like this:
mod1 <- aov(height ~ time, data=bread)
plot(mod1, which=5)
plot(mod1, which=1)
plot(mod1, which=2)
plot(residuals(mod1) ~ loaf, main="Residuals vs Exp. Units", font.main=1, data=bread)
abline(h = 0, lty = 2)
That all works... but the text is a little vague about the purpose of the parameter 'which='. I dug around in the help (in Rstudio) on plot() and par(), looked around online... found some references to a different 'which()'... but nothing really referring me to the purpose/syntax for the parameter 'which=' inside plot().
A bit later (next page, figures) I found a mention of using names(mod1)
to view the list of quantities calculated by aov
... which I presume is what which= is refering to, i.e. which item in the list to plot where in the 2x2 matrix of plots. Yay. Now where the heck is that buried in the docs?!?
selects which plot to be displayed:
By default, the first three and 5 are provided.
Check ?plot.lm
in r for more details.