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Documentum Registered Table object retrieval error

Environment: DA 7.3, D2 4.7, MS SQL Server 2012, Win Serv 2012 R2, Tomcat 8

  • When executing this DQL Query:

SELECT * FROM dm_registered

it retrieves all registered table instances found (nearly 32 instances) --> 3 of them i created using the command:

REGISTER TABLE [ owner_name.] table_name ( column_def {,column_def}

  • when querying any registered table except the (3 i created) using the QDL Query, i receive a result, but when i query any of the (3 i created) using the DA Query Editor it outputs the following error:

    Error occured during query execution :[DM_QUERY2_E_TABLE_NOT_FOUND]error: "The database table or view was not found in the database. Error from the database was: ' -- The database object is invalid -- STATE=42S02, CODE=208, MSG=[Microsoft][SQL Server Native Client 11.0][SQL Server]Invalid object name 'dmadmin.employee'.

  • the same happens when i open D2 and navigate to registered tables menu i could select from the menu the registered tables, i found the (3 created registered table objects) but when select any of them i found the same error that i got with DA DQL Editor.

enter image description here

D2 registered table


  • The cause is that the table was not created in the database, i don't know how i missed that critical step.

    Simply the answer is

    • Create the table in the database identical to the registered table.

    now i am able to query the table using the DQL query (no need for alias)

    SELECT * FROM dm_dbo.employee

    enter image description here