I searched the system but couldn't find any help I could understand on this, so here goes...
I need to find an approximate match for a string in php.
Essentially I'm checking that all the $names are in the $cv string and if not it sets a flag to true.
foreach( $names as $name ) {
if ( strrpos( $cv, $name ) === false ) {
$nonameincv = true;
It works fine. However, I had a case of $cv = "marie_claire" and a $name = "clare" which set the flag (of course) but which I'd have liked for strpos to have "found" as it were.
Is it possible to do an approximate match so that if a string has 1 extra letter anywhere in it, it would match? For example so that:
$name = "clare" is found in $cv = "marie_claire"
$name = "caire" is found in $cv = "marie_claire"
$name = "laire" is found in $cv = "marie_claire"
and so on...
Note: This will work perfectly fine when there is difference of 1
character, as stated in question above.
ini_set('display_errors', 1);
$wholeString = "marie_claire";
$wholeStringArray= str_split($wholeString);
if(strpos(implode("", $tempArray), $stringToSearch)!==false)
echo "Found: $stringToSearch in ".implode("", $wholeStringArray);