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problems installing scipy and sklearn

I am quite new into programming and I am struggling much to install scipy with the errors. I did not had any problems installing other libraries:

Failed cleaning build dir for scipy


Failed building wheel for scipy

With sklearn I am facing the problem :

Failed building wheel for scikit-learn

just found this info on the web regarding this issue :

pip does not work well for Windows because the standard pip package index site, PyPI, does not yet have Windows wheels for some packages, such as SciPy. via

In case this is correct , how can I solve it ?


  • Installing these packages on Windows requires a compiler. Instead, I would recommend you visit Christoph Gohlke's Unofficial Windows Binaries for Python Extension Packages, where he has already built the wheels for you.

    Once you download the wheel, you can install using pip. For example:

    pip install numpy‑1.12.1+mkl‑cp36‑cp36m‑win_amd64.whl

    An alternative is to install Anaconda.