REST Client returns "200 OK" - Thats good!
createHTTPClient returns "HTTP error" with the exact same data. When I remove the payoad I get a response, when I add the payload in client.send(payload) I get the error. I do need to pass the payload for future requests.
var payload = {
username: 'test',
password: 'test'
var url = "";
var client = Ti.Network.createHTTPClient({
// function called when the response data is available
onload : function(e) {"Received text: " + this.responseText);
// function called when an error occurs, including a timeout
onerror : function(e) {
timeout : 5000 // in milliseconds
// Prepare the connection."POST", url);
client.setRequestHeader('Content-Type', 'application/json');
// Send the request.
You just need to change last line to this:
client.send( JSON.stringify(payload) );
The reason is that since you are setting content-type to application json, so you need to stringify your input data of dictionary object so that server can parse it as per header set.