I use Sequel::Model.DB
to interact with my DB, but for some reason, the DB structure was changed, for example, via the DB console.
This method:
still returns the old DB, cached from the first connection I guess.
How can I reset that cache or, ideally, ensure the actual DB connection on each request?
I tried to use a new connection every time:
def db
@db ||= Sequel.connect(Sequel::Model.db.opts)
but, predictably, I got this error eventually:
Sequel::DatabaseConnectionError - PG::ConnectionBad: FATAL: sorry, too many clients already
You shouldn't be changing the structure of the database in an incompatible way while Sequel is running. The easiest way to solve this issue is just to restart the process after changing the database schema, and Sequel will pick up the new database structure.
If you really wanted to try to do this without restarting the process, you could remove the cached schemas (@db.instance_variable_get(:@schemas).clear
), and reset the dataset for all model classes (ModelClass.dataset = ModelClass.dataset
for each Sequel::Model). However, that doesn't necessarily result in the same thing, since if you remove a column, the old column name will still have a method defined for it.