What is the correct way of doing this:
_bstr_t description;
errorInfo->GetDescription( &description.GetBSTR() );
_bstr_t description;
errorInfo->GetDescription( description.GetAddress() );
Where IError:GetDescription
is defined as:
HRESULT GetDescription (BSTR *pbstrDescription);
I know I could easily do this:
BSTR description= SysAllocString (L"Whateva"));
errorInfo->GetDescription (&description);
SysFreeString (description);
The BSTR is reference counted, I seriously doubt that will work right if you use GetAddress(). Sadly the source code isn't available to double-check that. I've always done it like this:
BSTR temp = 0;
HRESULT hr = p->GetDescription(&temp);
if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) {
_bstr_t wrap(temp, FALSE);
// etc..