I want to remove all hyphens/dashes from the custom post type permalink in Wordpress.
For example:
Becomes :
I want automatic solution for future and old posts.
Any advice on how to do this with any functions.
You need to use to hook into WordPress's sanitize title hook.
function no_dashes($title) {
return str_replace('-', '', $title);
add_filter('sanitize_title', 'no_dashes' , 9999);
It will remove the dashes from the URL. However it will work only when you save a post. That is for new posts it will work just fine. But for existing posts, you have to go and edit/hit update/save to make it happen.
TODO: Also you need to have to check for Custom Post Type also, so it does not apply for all post types.
UPDATE: I thought adding post_type check would be easier hence I added above TODO, but you are right looks like we do not have any data related to that on the filter hook I used.
For that please use this code and see if it works:
function no_dashes( $slug, $post_ID, $post_status, $post_type ) {
if( $post_type == "page" ) {
$slug = str_replace( '-', '', $slug);
return $slug;
add_filter( "wp_unique_post_slug", "no_dashes", 10, 4 );