I have a smarty template where I want to make a dynamic colspan (one column colspawned through the full foreach. For example if foreach has only one element it's just one cell, but if it has 100 element it's a colspan through the 100 element)
My code so far, but it's not dynamic yet:
{foreach $myvar as $myvar}
<td{if $myvar.isTrue == 1} style="background-color: green;"
{if $myvar.isSelected}<i class="fa fa-user"></i>{/if}
<td colspan=@count($myvar)>{$myvar.colname}</td>
How to be dynamic?
In Smarty to count array's length you would use
Your code should look something like this:
{foreach $myArray as $myVar}
{if $myVar.isTrue == 1} style="background-color: green;"{/if}>
{if $myVar.isSelected}<i class="fa fa-user"></i>{/if}
<td colspan="{$myArray|@count}">